The ‘Rzeczpospolita’ Report: Anti-crisis Shield – Assistance for Entrepreneurs
16 April 2020
Our Law Firm’s lawyers: Barbara Jelonek-Jarco, PhD, attorney at law, Grzegorz Pobożniak, attorney-at-law, Wojciech Wandzel, attorney-at-law, Maciej Durbas, attorney-at-law, Magdalena Krzemińska, attorney-at-law, Aleksandra Kuzawińska, attorney-at-law, Marek Malciak, attorney-at-law, and Paulina Kuśnierz, trainee attorney, prepared a report on the anti-crisis shield dedicated to entrepreneurs. The study was edited by Rzeczpospolita, one of the leading newspapers in Poland.
The authors indicate the most important legal regulations in connection with Covid-19. They discuss the problems of entrepreneurs during the epidemic. They also explain the most important issues concerning, among others, duties and rights of the employer, remote meetings of the management board and supervisory board of capital companies, new solutions concerning real estate, amendments to public procurement contracts, as well as court disputes during Covid-19.