Award on Costs as a Toll to Counter…
Award on Costs as a Toll to Counter Abuse of Procedure under Polish Law
Arbitration Case Law 2023
Arbitration Case Law 2023
Special rules for submitting pending court disputes to…
Special rules for submitting pending court disputes to arbitration
Security of claims (temporary injunction) – an important…
Security of claims (temporary injunction) – an important creditor protection instrument
Will AI issue judgements? (Czy AI będzie wydawało…
Will AI issue judgements? (Czy AI będzie wydawało wyroki?)
Arbitration and impecunious parties
Arbitration and impecunious parties
Empowering Tomorrow: Introduction of New Vehicle of Estate…
Empowering Tomorrow: Introduction of New Vehicle of Estate Planning in Poland (Family Foundation)
Rules on submission of pending state court disputes…
Rules on submission of pending state court disputes to arbitration and introduction of arbitration agreements in statutes of family foundations
Preclusion of Plea of Lack of Jurisdiction Under…
Preclusion of Plea of Lack of Jurisdiction Under Polish Arbitration Law
International Arbitration: Poland
International Arbitration: Poland
Fakty i mity o arbitrażu. Jak skutecznie rozstrzygać…
Fakty i mity o arbitrażu. Jak skutecznie rozstrzygać spory? (Facts and myths about arbitration. How do we resolve disputes effectively?)
2021-2022 Statistics of Polish Post-Award Case Law: Poland…
2021-2022 Statistics of Polish Post-Award Case Law: Poland is (Still) Arbitration-Friendly
Arbitration of Family Foundation-Related Disputes in Poland
Arbitration of Family Foundation-Related Disputes in Poland
Set-off claim in Polish civil proceedings conducted under…
Set-off claim in Polish civil proceedings conducted under general rules
New model of preparatory proceedings: amendment to code…
New model of preparatory proceedings: amendment to code of civil procedure
Poland Introduces New Rules for Submitting Pending State…
Poland Introduces New Rules for Submitting Pending State Court Disputes to Arbitration
Supreme Court’s position on agent’s information claims
Supreme Court’s position on agent’s information claims
Dochodzenie przez konsumenta roszczeń związanych ze stosowaniem opłat…
Dochodzenie przez konsumenta roszczeń związanych ze stosowaniem opłat alokacyjnych w umowie ubezpieczenia na życie z ubezpieczeniowym funduszem kapitałowym (Pursuit of Consumer Claims Related to the Application of Allocation Fees in a Life Insurance Contract with an Insurance Capital Fund)
Emergency Arbitral Proceedings as a New Global Standard…
Emergency Arbitral Proceedings as a New Global Standard in Arbitration Rules: Is There Still a Need to Maintain the Concurrent Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunals and Courts for Interim Measures?
Im więcej narzędzi, tym lepiej (The More Tools,…
Im więcej narzędzi, tym lepiej (The More Tools, the Better)
Protective letters: a way to avoid securing claims?
Protective letters: a way to avoid securing claims?
Special rules for hearing commercial casesbefore state courts…
Special rules for hearing commercial casesbefore state courts in Poland
Skutek niepodniesienia zarzutu braku właściwości sądu polubownego w…
Skutek niepodniesienia zarzutu braku właściwości sądu polubownego w czasie trwania postępowania arbitrażowego (The consequence of failure to raise a plea of the lack of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal during arbitration proceedings)
Obtaining information on foreign law
Obtaining information on foreign law
International Arbitration 2022 – Poland
International Arbitration 2022 – Poland
Legal Grounds for a Cassation Appeal
Legal Grounds for a Cassation Appeal
Commercial mediation – mandatory or voluntary?
Commercial mediation – mandatory or voluntary?
Rules on limitation of claims are not part…
Rules on limitation of claims are not part of public policy
Zbycie praw objętych sporem w toku postępowania arbitrażowego.…
Zbycie praw objętych sporem w toku postępowania arbitrażowego. Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Warszawie z 30.09.2020 r., VII AGa 2119/18 (Disposal of rights covered by a dispute in the course of arbitration proceedings. Gloss to the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw of September 30, 2020, VII AGa 2119/18)
Importance of expert opinion for proceedings
Importance of expert opinion for proceedings
Motion for summons to conciliation session will not…
Motion for summons to conciliation session will not interrupt course of limitation period
Conflict of interest in corporate disputes arbitration
Conflict of interest in corporate disputes arbitration
Is right to clean environment subject to protection?
Is right to clean environment subject to protection?
Supreme Court denies relitigation of issue of arbitral…
Supreme Court denies relitigation of issue of arbitral jurisdiction
Związanie następcy singularnego zapisem na sąd polubowny oparte…
Związanie następcy singularnego zapisem na sąd polubowny oparte na procesowej kwalifikacji zapisu – glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z 7.11.2013 r., V CSK 545/12 (Binding Effect of an Arbitration Agreement on the Singular Successor Due to the Agreement’s Procedural Character. Critical Commentary on Supreme Court Decision of 27 November 2013, V CSK 545/12)
O ograniczonej kognicji sądu wieczystoksięgowego i konsekwencjach jej…
O ograniczonej kognicji sądu wieczystoksięgowego i konsekwencjach jej przekroczenia — na przykładzie uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 11 kwietnia 2019 r. (III CZP 100/18) oraz wyroku Sądu Okręgowego we Wrocławiu z 19 listopada 2019 r. (II CA 707/18) [On the limited cognition of the land and mortgage register court and the consequences of exceeding it – on the example of the Supreme Court resolution of 11 April 2019. (III CZP 100/18) and the judgment of the Regional Court in Wrocław of 19 November 2019. (II CA 707/18)]
Pursuing reprivatisation claims in Poland just became harder
Pursuing reprivatisation claims in Poland just became harder
Data Mining, Text Analytics and International Commercial Arbitration
Data Mining, Text Analytics and International Commercial Arbitration
2020 Statistics of Polish Post-Award Case Law: Is…
2020 Statistics of Polish Post-Award Case Law: Is Poland Arbitration-Friendly?
Arbitration clause in lease agreement does not bind…
Arbitration clause in lease agreement does not bind property buyer
Trade secret protection in competition infringement cases
Trade secret protection in competition infringement cases
Sąd Polubowny zdawna w Narodzie używany y prawami…
Sąd Polubowny zdawna w Narodzie używany y prawami upoważony (Court of Arbitration Long Used in the Nation and Mandated by Law)
International Arbitration 2021 – Poland
International Arbitration 2021 – Poland
Can a party continue arbitration after assigning the…
Can a party continue arbitration after assigning the claim?
Poland – the Court of Appeals Judgements
Poland – the Court of Appeals Judgements
In Search of Perfect Procedure – Best Practices…
In Search of Perfect Procedure – Best Practices in Arbitration
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2021 – Poland
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2021 – Poland
Appeals courts confirm procedural public policy violations
Appeals courts confirm procedural public policy violations
Lack of funds does not enable parties to…
Lack of funds does not enable parties to escape arbitration
The “Seoul Protocol” on Video Conferences in International…
The “Seoul Protocol” on Video Conferences in International Commercial Arbitration („Protokół seulski” dotyczący wideokonferencji w międzynarodowym arbitrażu handlowym)
Pewna przystań w niepewnych czasach (Safe Haven in…
Pewna przystań w niepewnych czasach (Safe Haven in Uncertain Times)
Arbitral award vacated for violation of EU competition…
Arbitral award vacated for violation of EU competition law
Arbitration Case Law 2019 – Selected Case Law…
Arbitration Case Law 2019 – Selected Case Law of the Polish Supreme Court Related to Arbitration
New Provisions Regarding Arbitration that Were Entered into…
New Provisions Regarding Arbitration that Were Entered into Force by the Polish Act of 31 July 2019 Amending Certain Acts in Order to Limit Regulatory Burdens (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1495)
Ready, set, off: Warsaw Court of Appeals confirms…
Ready, set, off: Warsaw Court of Appeals confirms tribunal’s jurisdiction over set-off claim
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2020 – Poland
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2020 – Poland
Words, words, words: concise reasoning not grounds to…
Words, words, words: concise reasoning not grounds to vacate award
Res iudicata saga continues
Res iudicata saga continues
Nadużycie prawa procesowego – próba oceny ostatnich zmian…
Nadużycie prawa procesowego – próba oceny ostatnich zmian legislacyjnych (Abuse of Procedural Law – an Attempt at the Assessment of Recent Legislative Changes)
Important changes to arbitration of corporate disputes introduced
Important changes to arbitration of corporate disputes introduced
ICC award set aside for failure to admit…
ICC award set aside for failure to admit further expert evidence
Award vacated for ultra petita decision regarding interest
Award vacated for ultra petita decision regarding interest
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgments
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgments
New Ground for the Refusal of Recognition or…
New Ground for the Refusal of Recognition or Enforcement of an Arbitral Award in Consumer Cases
State court not obliged to review arbitral case…
State court not obliged to review arbitral case file
State court refuses recognition or enforcement in collusion…
State court refuses recognition or enforcement in collusion cases
Arbitral tribunals must consider all evidence or risk…
Arbitral tribunals must consider all evidence or risk violating public policy
Statutory limitations of claims periods excluded from public…
Statutory limitations of claims periods excluded from public order
Supreme Court decides that assignee is bound by…
Supreme Court decides that assignee is bound by arbitration agreement
What’s New in European Arbitration?
What’s New in European Arbitration?
O wysokości kar za naruszenie RODO zadecydują sądy…
O wysokości kar za naruszenie RODO zadecydują sądy (The Value of Penalties for GDPR-related Violations Will Be Decided by Courts)
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgements
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgements
The Admissibility of a European Account Preservation Order…
The Admissibility of a European Account Preservation Order in the Event of an Arbitration Clause
Can arbitrated claims be secured with European account…
Can arbitrated claims be secured with European account preservation order?
Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2018 – Poland
Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2018 – Poland
ICC award set aside due to irregularities in…
ICC award set aside due to irregularities in arbitrator’s appointment
The European Arbitration Review 2018 – Poland
The European Arbitration Review 2018 – Poland
Zmiany podmiotowe umowy prawa materialnego, a zakres związania…
Zmiany podmiotowe umowy prawa materialnego, a zakres związania klauzulą arbitrażową (Subjective Changes to a Substantive Law Agreement and the Scope of Being Bound with an Arbitration Clause)
Agent claiming commission for football transfer caught offside
Agent claiming commission for football transfer caught offside
The Perfect Arbitration Clause?
The Perfect Arbitration Clause?
Three’s a crowd? Third-party arbitration funding
Three’s a crowd? Third-party arbitration funding
International Arbitration – Poland Law & Practice
International Arbitration – Poland Law & Practice
Supreme Court confirms that agent’s email authorisation is…
Supreme Court confirms that agent’s email authorisation is necessary to enter into arbitration agreement
Ewolucja poglądów niemieckiej doktryny i orzecznictwa w zakresie…
Ewolucja poglądów niemieckiej doktryny i orzecznictwa w zakresie oceny zdatności arbitrażowej sporów korporacyjnych i jej znaczenie dla polskiej praktyki arbitrażowej (The evolution of the German doctrine and case-law in the scope of arbitrability of corporate disputes and its significance for Polish arbitration practice)
Enforcement Issues in the Conduct of Arbitration and…
Enforcement Issues in the Conduct of Arbitration and National Laws in International Arbitration
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgements
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgements
Unfair arbitration clause declared invalid
Unfair arbitration clause declared invalid
Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2017 – Poland
Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2017 – Poland
Punkt dla frankowiczów w sporach z bankami (Recipients…
Punkt dla frankowiczów w sporach z bankami (Recipients of Loans in CHF Score a Point in Disputes with Banks)
W arbitrażu jeszcze szybciej (Even Faster in Arbitration)
W arbitrażu jeszcze szybciej (Even Faster in Arbitration)
Specjalne sądy dla frankowiczów w ocenie prawników (Special…
Specjalne sądy dla frankowiczów w ocenie prawników (Special Courts for Recipients of Loans in CHF in Lawyers’ Assessment)
Important changes regarding consumer arbitration introduced
Important changes regarding consumer arbitration introduced
Sądy spowalnia zła organizacja i mało sprawni sędziowie…
Sądy spowalnia zła organizacja i mało sprawni sędziowie (Courts are slowed down by poor organisation and ineffectual judges)
The European Arbitration Review 2017 – Poland
The European Arbitration Review 2017 – Poland
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgments
Poland – the Supreme Court Judgments
Conditional Effectiveness of the Arbitration Agreement
Conditional Effectiveness of the Arbitration Agreement
Court says no to anti-arbitration injunctions in Poland
Court says no to anti-arbitration injunctions in Poland
Supreme Court sets high formal requirements for motion…
Supreme Court sets high formal requirements for motion to recognise foreign award
No declaratory judgment on validity of arbitration agreement
No declaratory judgment on validity of arbitration agreement
Supreme Court decides on res judicata of arbitral…
Supreme Court decides on res judicata of arbitral awards
Przekazanie sprawy sądowi polubownemu przez sąd powszechny (postępowanie…
Przekazanie sprawy sądowi polubownemu przez sąd powszechny (postępowanie remisyjne) – art. 1209 KPC (Remitting a Case to the Court of Arbitration by a Common Court [of Law] (remitting proceedings) – Article 1209 CCP)
Favourable award does not guarantee successful execution of…
Favourable award does not guarantee successful execution of claims
Interruption of limitation period of claim covered by…
Interruption of limitation period of claim covered by arbitration agreement
The European, Middle Eastern and African Arbitration Review…
The European, Middle Eastern and African Arbitration Review 2016 – Poland
Time limits in arbitration agreements
Time limits in arbitration agreements
Zielone światło dla zakazów prowadzenia postępowania sądowego (A…
Zielone światło dla zakazów prowadzenia postępowania sądowego (A green light for anti-suit injunctions)
Szybsze i pewniejsze rozstrzyganie sporów w arbitrażu (Faster…
Szybsze i pewniejsze rozstrzyganie sporów w arbitrażu (Faster and More Certain Resolution of Disputes in Arbitration)
International Arbitration – Poland Law & Practice
International Arbitration – Poland Law & Practice
Amendments to arbitral law – more efficient postarbitral…
Amendments to arbitral law – more efficient postarbitral preceedings
Amendments to arbitral law – more efficient postarbitral…
Amendments to arbitral law – more efficient postarbitral proceedings
Litigation and Dispute Resolution – Poland
Litigation and Dispute Resolution – Poland
International Arbitration 2015
International Arbitration 2015
Elektrim case era comes to an end
Elektrim case era comes to an end
The «Arbitrability II » Decision of the German…
The «Arbitrability II » Decision of the German Supreme Court (BGH ) – the German Benchmark for Arbitrating Corporate Disputes in Poland?
Loss of effect of arbitration clause
Loss of effect of arbitration clause
Public order – compensatory function of penalty clause
Public order – compensatory function of penalty clause
Poland – The Supreme Court Judgements and Decisions…
Poland – The Supreme Court Judgements and Decisions of Appellate Courts
Two Examples of Interaction between State Courts and…
Two Examples of Interaction between State Courts and Arbitration: Ruling on the Competence of an Arbitral Tribunal to Adjudicate and Injunctive Relief in Arbitral Proceedings
Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
The arbitrability and arbitration clause in corporate disputes.…
The arbitrability and arbitration clause in corporate disputes. Commentary to the arbitral award.
Dowód z nagrania prywatnego i inne podobne środki…
Dowód z nagrania prywatnego i inne podobne środki dowodowe w postępowaniu arbitrażowym (Private recording as evidence and other similar evidence materials in arbitration proceedings)
The Arbitrators’ (Perceived) Power to Revise a Contract…
The Arbitrators’ (Perceived) Power to Revise a Contract vs. the Power of the Public Policy Clause
The Supreme Court Judgments and Decisions of Appellate…
The Supreme Court Judgments and Decisions of Appellate Courts: Poland
The Influence of Violation of the Independence and…
The Influence of Violation of the Independence and Impartiality Rules on the Enforceability and Effectiveness of the Arbitral Award
Litigation and Dispute Resolution – Poland
Litigation and Dispute Resolution – Poland
Koszty mediacji będą zaliczane na poczet kosztów sądowych…
Koszty mediacji będą zaliczane na poczet kosztów sądowych (The costs of mediation will be allocated towards court costs)
International Arbitration 2014 – Poland
International Arbitration 2014 – Poland
Przewidywalność szkody jako przesłanka odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej na gruncie…
Przewidywalność szkody jako przesłanka odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej na gruncie Konwencji wiedeńskiej – glosa – V CSK 91/11 (The foreseeability of damages as a premise of compensatory liability on the grounds of the Vienna Convention – gloss – V CSK 91/11
Jak wybierać arbitrów (How to select arbitrators)
Jak wybierać arbitrów (How to select arbitrators)
Ważność uchwał a zdatność arbitrażowa (The validity of…
Ważność uchwał a zdatność arbitrażowa (The validity of resolutions and arbitrability)
Mediacje odciążą sądy (Mediations relieve the courts)
Mediacje odciążą sądy (Mediations relieve the courts)
Zdatność arbitrażowa sporów o ważność uchwał spółek kapitałowych…
Zdatność arbitrażowa sporów o ważność uchwał spółek kapitałowych (Arbitrability of Disputes on Validity of Resolutions of Capital Companies)
Bifurkacja (podział) postępowania arbitrażowego (Bifurcation in arbitration proceedings)
Bifurkacja (podział) postępowania arbitrażowego (Bifurcation in arbitration proceedings)
O związaniu cesjonariusza zapisem na sąd polubowny (On…
O związaniu cesjonariusza zapisem na sąd polubowny (On binding the assignee with the arbitration covenant)
Some remarks on the role of domestic courts…
Some remarks on the role of domestic courts investments arbitration from Poland perspective
The Scope of Mandatory Provisions of Procedural and…
The Scope of Mandatory Provisions of Procedural and Substantive Law Binding upon a Court of Arbitration
Charge of the Non-Existence or the Invalidity of…
Charge of the Non-Existence or the Invalidity of the Arbitration Clause in the Proceedings on the Recognition and Enforcement of an Arbitration Award (…)
Multiple Parties in the Construction – Litigation and…
Multiple Parties in the Construction – Litigation and Arbitration Proceedings – Comparative Case Study
Alternative Dispute Resolution – Beyond dispute
Alternative Dispute Resolution – Beyond dispute
Confidentiality in International Arbitration and the Need for…
Confidentiality in International Arbitration and the Need for International Ethical Standards For Lawyers
The granting of a temporary injunction in the…
The granting of a temporary injunction in the course of proceeding before a Polish state court or a court of arbitration
Capability of settlement by arbitration
Capability of settlement by arbitration
The conclusion of an agreement and ex culpae…
The conclusion of an agreement and ex culpae in contrahendo liability in the Polish law
Effective Dispute Resolution
Effective Dispute Resolution
Effective dispute resolution
Effective dispute resolution
Limitation in Polish commercial proceedings – the risks…
Limitation in Polish commercial proceedings – the risks for foreign entities
Sądownictwo: wady i zalety nowego systemu protokołowania rozpraw…
Sądownictwo: wady i zalety nowego systemu protokołowania rozpraw (Judicature: strengths and weaknesses of the new recording system at court hearings)
Ruszył precedensowy proces Wałęsa kontra L. Kaczyński ws.…
Ruszył precedensowy proces Wałęsa kontra L. Kaczyński ws. “Bolka” (Precedential litigation Wałęsa vs. L. Kaczyński on “Bolek” commenced)
Nowelizacja ustawy o skardze na naruszenie prawa strony…
Nowelizacja ustawy o skardze na naruszenie prawa strony do rozpoznania sprawy w postępowaniu sądowym bez nieuzasadnionej zwłoki (Amendment of the act on the complaint against violation of a party’s right to have their case examined by the court without undue delay)
Nowe zasady uznawania orzeczeń sądów zagranicznych (New principles…
Nowe zasady uznawania orzeczeń sądów zagranicznych (New principles for the recognition of judgements of foreign courts)
Streitsachen im internationalen Wirtschaftsschiedsverfahren in Polen und Deutschland…
Streitsachen im internationalen Wirtschaftsschiedsverfahren in Polen und Deutschland (Court disputes in international commercial arbitration in Poland and Germany)
Nadmierny formalizm postępowania cywilnego sprzeczny z Konstytucją RP…
Nadmierny formalizm postępowania cywilnego sprzeczny z Konstytucją RP (Excessive formalism of civil proceedings contradictory with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland)
Ograniczenia co do podnoszenia zarzutów formalnych w postępowaniu…
Ograniczenia co do podnoszenia zarzutów formalnych w postępowaniu cywilnym (Procedural law – Arbitration – Restrictions on the raising of formal claims in civil proceedings)
Nowelizacja kodeksu postępowania cywilnego z dnia 5 grudnia…
Nowelizacja kodeksu postępowania cywilnego z dnia 5 grudnia 2008 (Arbitration – Amendment of the Code of Civil Procedure of 5th December 2008)
Możliwość zawarcia ugody w postępowaniu przed Sądem Najwyższym…
Możliwość zawarcia ugody w postępowaniu przed Sądem Najwyższym w najnowszym orzecznictwie (A possibility to conclude a settlement in proceedings before the Supreme Court in the new case-law)
Zabezpieczenie roszczeń w krajowym postępowaniu arbitrażowym (Procedural law…
Zabezpieczenie roszczeń w krajowym postępowaniu arbitrażowym (Procedural law – Arbitration -Securing of claims in domestic arbitration proceedings)
Wpływ ogłoszenia upadłości na zapis na sąd polubowny…
Wpływ ogłoszenia upadłości na zapis na sąd polubowny oraz wyroki arbitrażowe (Impact of the declaration of bankruptcy on arbitration covenants and arbitral awards)
Czy w arbitrażu z udziałem Państwa obowiązuje zasada…
Czy w arbitrażu z udziałem Państwa obowiązuje zasada poufności? (Does the confidentiality principle remain in force in arbitrations with the participation of the State?)
Granice swobody w stosowaniu prawa w postępowaniu przed…
Granice swobody w stosowaniu prawa w postępowaniu przed sądami arbitrażowymi (Freedom limitations in application of the law in proceedings before courts of arbitration)
Związanie sądu arbitrażowego wskazaniami sądu państwowego (The binding…
Związanie sądu arbitrażowego wskazaniami sądu państwowego (The binding of a court of arbitration with the guidelines of a state court)
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