Rafał Kos, PhD, a participant of the 78th session of UNCITRAL Working Group II (Dispute Settlement)


15 September 2023

Rafał Kos, PhD, will once again participate in the work of UNCITRAL Working Group II (WG II). The 78th session will take place from 18-22 September 2023 in Vienna.

In recent years, WG II has examined issues related to the resolution and settlement of technology-related disputes. A significant highlight in the work was the 75th session of the WG during which the Colloquium on Possible Future Work on Dispute Settlement was held.

In the upcoming session, Working Group II will continue to explore technology-related dispute resolution and adjudication, building on the findings of previous works. Note A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.234, available at the link below, will serve as a reference for the discussions and deliberations.

Technology-related dispute resolution and adjudication: Model clauses and guidance text

As indicated in the preliminary agenda, WG II will address issues such as shorter time frames for proceedings, the appointment of experts, and the confidentiality of technology proceedings. The preliminary agenda of the session can be found at the link below:

Annotated provisional agenda