Kamil Zawicki, attorney-at-law, analyses the challenges related to radioactive waste in Poland

14 June 2024

The Atomic Energy Act strictly regulates the peaceful use of nuclear energy, including the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel. Although Poland does not yet have a nuclear power plant in operation, radioactive waste is generated, for example, from the MARIA research reactor or nuclear medicine. The construction of at least one nuclear power plant in the next decade poses new challenges.

In the latest episode of the CIRE Cafe, Kamil Zawicki, attorney-at-law, co-managing partner at KKG, and the head of its Energy & Natural Resources Desk, shares his insights on the challenges related to radioactive waste in Poland in the coming years.

It is worth considering what the legal aspects of the issue are and whether they require legislative intervention, as well as whether there is an urgent need for new repositories. And if so, where could they be located?

We encourage you to watch the episode to learn more about this important issue.