2023 ICC Poland Charity Christmas Dinner
15 December 2023
On December 14, 2023, the ICC Poland Charity Christmas Dinner, organized by the ICC Poland International Chamber of Commerce, took place.
This year’s celebration was an exceptional evening, featuring a festive dinner and a charity auction to raise funds for Fundacja Centrum Edukacji Niewidzialna.
The aim of the conference was to discuss how disability inclusion could become a standard feature of arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The discussion shed light on the disability inclusion topic that had received little attention within the arbitration and ADR community.
The foundation provides psychological support to people with disabilities and their loved ones, especially to those living with blindness or visual impairment. It undertakes educational initiatives aimed at supporting their independence and dignified lives. It also offers scholarships for youth with disabilities.
KKG was one of the event sponsors.