Grzegorz Pobożniak, attorney at law, one of the speakers at the meeting of practitioners of personal data protection law


18 April 2024

The 12th Polish Congress on Personal Data Protection Law, organised by the MUST READ MEDIA Publishing House, took place on 15-17 April.

It was a great opportunity to discuss the GDPR in the broadest sense. Industry experts in the field of personal data protection discussed issues such as the processing of criminal records in Poland, the new EU cybersecurity regulations, the rules of access to customers’ financial data in the light of the new proposed EU regulations, as well as artificial intelligence and problems in the field of personal data protection.

Grzegorz Pobożniak, partner at KKG, spoke about the approach of the Polish Act on the Protection of Personal Data (PUODO) and the correct interpretation of the requirements for notifying individuals whose data has been compromised as a result of a security incident.