Barbara Jelonek-Jarco, PhD and Julita Zawadzkam, PhD, Co-authors of a Book Entitled Tom VI B. Prawo spółdzielcze i mieszkaniowe. Komentarz [Volume VI B. Cooperative and Housing Law]


22 December 2017

Barbara Jelonek-Jarco, PhD, and Julita Zawadzka, PhD, partners at Kubas Kos Gałkowski, co-authored a book entitled Tom VI B. Prawo spółdzielcze i mieszkaniowe. Komentarz [Volume VI B. Cooperative and Housing Law] published within the series entitled Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego [Private Law Commentaries], Wyd. C.H.Beck, Kraków 2017.

Publisher’s Note:

Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego [Private Law Commentaries] is a series of in-depth, comprehensive, detailed, and complex systemic commentaries. Volume VI B contains a commentary to the following legal acts: the Act on the Ownership of Premises (Articles 1–41 WłLokU): establishing separate ownership of premises, rights and obligations of owners of premises, joint property management; the Act on Protection of Tenant Rights (Articles 1–40 OchrLokU): mutual rights and obligations of owners and tenants, occasional rental of premises, communal housing stock, community premises, temporary premises; the Act on Protection of the Rights of the Acquirer of Residential Premises or a Single-family House (Articles 1–41 OchrNabU): completion of a building investment by a developer, a housing escrow account, developer’s obligations prior to concluding a developer agreement, a developer agreement, withdrawing from a developer agreement.

The authors presented an entire set of issues related to the practical application of the Code’s specific provisions and doubts arising in connection with the interpretation thereof. The work quotes the case-law of the Supreme Court and other courts that is relevant from the point of view of the judicial practice, as well as opinions of representatives of the doctrine – providing references to the latest editions of individual commentaries. The authors, moreover, discuss a range of hypothetical cases of the application of individual provisions which may either occur in practice or the practice may present lawyers with similar situations where the comments provided by the commentary might prove applicable.

A fragment of the book is available at the following link.