Rafał Kos, PhD, and Tadeusz Zbiegień authored an article in the Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2023
12 May 2023
In the latest issue of the Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2023, Rafał Kos, PhD, and Tadeusz Zbiegień have published an article titled “Arbitrability II Decision of the German BGH from 2009 (BGH Arb II) and its Effects on Corporate Arbitration Practice in Germany, Poland and Austria.”
The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration is a renowned collection of articles and essays on current topics in commercial and investment arbitration. The current 17th edition contains 19 articles from a total of 45 leading practitioners and scholars in the field.
The article by Rafal Kos, PhD, and Tadeusz Zbiegień is a significant contribution to the field of international arbitration.
The collection is available here.