New Technologies Law – a series of workshops for law students
CSR, Varia
7 June 2023
From January to May, a series of workshops for students in the field of new technology law, organised by the Jagiellonian University Civil Law Scientific Society together with KKG and the Law4Tech Foundation, took place.
During six meetings, topics such as:
- phishing and its legal consequences in terms of online and mobile banking,
- the limits of online privacy,
- form of legal transactions and DocuSign,
- sensitive data,
- safeguarding know-how,
- key data protection requirements were addressed.
The workshop was conducted by experts from the Law4Tech foundation and KKG partners and associates – Grzegorz Pobożniak, attorney-at-law, Wojciech Wandzel, attorney-at-law Tomasz Sowa, attorney-at-law, and Jakub Bojarczuk, attorney trainee.