KKG for the third time in UNICEF Poland’s “Company with a Heart” program
2 November 2021
We are not indifferent to the fate of children, which is why, for the third time now, we are supporting the actions of UNICEF Poland and joining the “Firma z Sercem” (Company with a Heart) campaign – a programme addressed to enterprises that want to help children. Participation in the initiative also means cooperation with an organisation providing children with food, water-and-sanitation, medical, or educational aid. Thanks to the involvement of business donors, UNICEF can effectively offer help where it is most needed.
UNICEF estimates that one in four children worldwide needs assistance. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has made their living conditions even worse. Poverty, exclusion, and insecurity have become the new normal. The COVID-19 pandemic has set back progress in virtually every key area of children’s lives. Young children’s access to education and essential services, including medical care, food aid, and protection, has declined. Help is essential.
For more information, visit unicef.co.uk/business.