Grzegorz Pobożniak, attorney-at-law, and Krzysztof Ściborowski, attorney-at-law, with a lecture on rights from non-dematerialised shares during the transition period


17 June 2024

On 14 June, the conference “Commercial Companies Law in Practice” organised by the MUST READ MEDIA Publishing House took place. It was a unique opportunity for practitioners dealing with the broad subject of commercial company law to gain up-to-date knowledge and exchange experiences.

During the event, Grzegorz Pobożniak, attorney-at-law and partner at KKG, and Krzysztof Ściborowski, attorney at law and counsel at KKG, discussed the issue of the right to shares not dematerialised during the transitional period.

Other topics discussed at the conference included the liability of members of the management boards of limited liability companies, the importance of the list of persons entitled to vote in limited liability companies and the persistent problem of non-existent, invalid, and defective resolutions, as well as the results of the latest Supreme Court case law for commercial company law practitioners.

We want to thank the organisers and participants of the conference for their commitment and participation.