Barbara Jelonek-Jarco, PhD
co-managing partner
At Kubas Kos Gałkowski since
Laureate of the Gazeta Prawna ranking
- Rising Stars 2012
Attorney-at-law. Real Estate Practice Leader. Expert in the area of the warranty of public credibility of land and mortgage registers. She has many years of experience in comprehensive support of investment processes, in particular real estate and development processes. Specialises in strategic advisory services for foreign investors and capital groups in the field of real estate transactions, including the preparation of real estate acquisition and disposal transactions, analysis of their legal status and negotiation of agreements, including lease agreements. She advises individual clients and family-owned businesses in the area of wealth management. Her activities include investment advice, support in intergenerational succession planning, assistance in wealth planning and distribution, and personal rights protection.
She supports clients with strategic consultancy and negotiations, both at the pre-litigation stage and during the process, and assesses litigation risks. As an IMI Certified Mediation Advocate, she conducts, among other things, economic, international and civil mediation. Participates in litigation, including international litigation, before state courts and arbitration courts. Acts as counsel (of counsel) in numerous proceedings, including international arbitration proceedings, also in the field of disputes based on BITs (Bilateral Investment Treaties). Many of these proceedings are precedent-setting. She is included in the list of Recommended Arbitrators of the Court of Arbitration at the Confederation of Lewiatan in Warsaw and of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw. As part of her practice, she has also conducted numerous administrative and administrative court proceedings.
She implements long-term projects related to the protection of competition. She represents one of the leading mobile phone operators in Poland in a dispute concerning the repair of damage caused by an act of unfair competition, where the value of the object of the dispute amounts to several hundred million PLN. Previously involved in litigation on behalf of one of the largest telecommunications companies in Europe concerning the acquisition of control over a mobile operator.
Scholarship holder of the Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit e.V. Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Law at the Jagiellonian University. She is the author of numerous articles, glosses, commentaries and monographs on property law and contract law. A speaker at many conferences, including those devoted to real estate law. She lectures at postgraduate courses in real estate law organised by the Chair of Civil Law of the Faculty of Civil Law of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Winner of Gazeta Prawna's ranking - Rising Stars 2012.
Honors and Awards
- Distinction in the Gazeta Prawna ranking - Rising Stars 2012
- The Krakow Bar Association (ORA Kraków)
- Austrian Arbitration Association
- UIA – International Association of Lawyers
3 December 2024
29 November 2024
19 April 2024
Barbara Jelonek-Jarco as a Speaker at Prague Seminar: Drafting Effective International Contracts
28 November 2023
Commentary by Barbara Jelonek-Jarco, PhD, in C.H. Beck Legalis Legal Information System
Chambers and Partners dated 13.01.2025
Chambers and Partners zdated 08.01.2025
Chambers and Partners dated 07.01.2025
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna dated 07.01.2025
Buying up borrowers’ claims unlawful (Skupowanie roszczeń kredytobiorców niezgodne z prawem)
IRZ-Stiftung scholarship (Bonn, Frankfurt am Main)
entered onto the list of attorneys
PhD from Jagiellonian University
Master's degree: Law at the Faculty of Law of Administration at Jagiellonian University
Personal interests
art history, photography and film